Meeker County Amateur Radio Club

This Meeker County Amateur Radio website has been setup to further the development of amateur radio in the Meeker County area in Minnesota,USA.
All amateur radio operators are welcome as well as anyone
with an interest in amateur radio.
The groups activities are centered in the Litchfield, Minnesota area.
Our membership is not limited by geographical boundaries. Members from out of our area are encouraged, as this will help keep us informed of ham activity beyond our local scene.

We have a weekly net on the Meeker County repeater

which is located in Litchfield, Minnesota.


The repeater frequency is: 147.300(+) with a tone of 146.2

Net time is 7:30PM / 19:30 CST Sunday

This is a directed net with net control duties

being shared by various operators.

If you are interested in being net control let us know as it is a lot

of fun and it is a very good way of becoming familiar with the other

amateur radio operators in the area.

The Meeker County Amateur Radio Club holds a monthly meeting

on the third Thursday at the
Litchfield Airport conference room at 7:00 PM

(highway 22 south of Litchfield)

Usually we are monitoring the

Meeker County Repeater

prior to the meeting.

Click to join MeekerRadio

Click to join MeekerRadio

Meeker County Amateur Radio Club

224 S. Hubbard Ave.

Litchfield, Minnesota 55355


Website created and maintained by Eric Johnson, AEØGD

This page last updated: 02/14/2016

Copyright 2006-2016 Eric Johnson, AEØGD, All Rights Reserved